Youtop Video Search

bayes theorem explained with examples
454855 | 08:03 | 2024-01-22

the bayesian trap
4218028 | 10:37 | 2018-01-22

bayes theorem the simplest case
1649142 | 05:31 | 2018-01-22

bayes theorem clearly explained
398073 | 14:00 | 2022-01-22

bayes theorem with example
10276 | 17:43 | 2024-12-22

are you bayesian or frequentist
265511 | 07:03 | 2021-01-22

a visual guide to bayesian thinking
1985204 | 11:25 | 2016-01-22

2 conditioning and bayes rule
397552 | 51:11 | 2013-01-22

the better way to do statistics
267201 | 17:25 | 2024-04-22