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Title:Pretty Little Liars - Emily & Sara Talk About Their Kiss - "O Brother, Where Art Thou" (6x07)

Emily tells Sara, she doesn't have to meet Claire right now, if she's not ready, but Sara wants to go, even though she isn't sure what to say to her old friend. Emily offers, she could come with her, to act as a buffer and they decide to meet at a dessert place halfway from Rosewood to Courtland. They change the topic to their kiss of last night. Sara is unsure if it actually happened. Emily tells her, they could pretend it was a dream if she wants, but Sara says she had enough pretended kisses in the past three years. Since they have both been through a lot, Emily suggests they should take some time to think about what they really want. There are mixed emotions in the DiLaurentis household when Charles declares he is coming home for his birthday. Mr. DiLaurentis wants to quickly get out of town to hide Alison and Jason from their brother, while Jason sees this as an opportunity to finally validate all of the early childhood memories he has of “Charlie.” The PLLs are just as torn, with Spencer and Hanna thinking this is the best chance they have to capture Charles, while Emily and Aria want to stay as far from him as possible. Will Jason be reunited with his brother, or is this just another trap from “A”? Meanwhile, Mona is shutting out Mike and Hanna gets an unwelcomed surprise. #PLL #PrettyLittleLiars


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