Youtop Video Search

Youtop Video Search is a song download service provider site that aims for promotion and evaluation. All files contained in this site are under the copyright control of their respective owners, authors and music labels.
You (the user), as the party using our service, hereby automatically agree to the terms of this service including any changes in the future.


By downloading songs on this site, you agree to :
1. Do not distribute content to other parties for commercial purposes,
2. Do not copy or reproduce files without permission from the owner, author, or music label concerned,
3. Does not change the song details in the file for any purpose,
4. Willing to be responsible for the song files that have been downloaded previously.


All songs on this site are under the copyright control of their respective owners, authors, or music labels. If you are the owner of one of the songs on this site and do not want your song published on this site, please send a deletion request via email to :