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Title:The doctor who’s witnessed Israel’s wars on Palestinians since 1982 | Mads Gilbert | UNAPOLOGETIC

“There shall be no trace of Palestinian society, culture, history because they going to be wiped out… This is I think the plan for the Zionists.” Mads Gilbert is a Norwegian anesthesiologist and emergency medicine specialist who has made frequent trips since 1982 to Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon, the West Bank and Gaza to help deliver urgent medical care to Palestinian victims of Israeli atrocities. On UNAPOLOGETIC he shares his experiences, and how by providing medical services he has come to understand both Israel and the Palestinian liberation struggle against occupation and colonisation. He is a firm advocate on the right for Palestinians to resist the occupation with arms within the confines of International law. 00:00 Intro 01:12 The medical situation in Gaza 04:57 First trip to Lebanon in 1982 07:28 Israel's brutality in 1982 Lebanon 10:22 Learning about the Palestinian story and Israeli colonialism 12:30 The epistimicide of the Palestinians 16:12 Did you think there would be justice after Bierut 1982 19:30 A brief history of Israeli impunity 23:00 International law is being torn up 25:12 Gaza's gas and continental shelf 27:33 Did you think this would go on for 7 months 30:41 Society let the holocaust happen and are doing the ame now 32:00 The importance of Palestinian resistance 35:40 Gaza health care workers killed and tortured 39:00 accuracy of health stats out of Gaza 42:00 Scale of the destruction 45:50 heroism of Palestinian healthcare workers 50:00 Impact of Israel's seige on health pre October 7th 52:40 800 people to 1 toielt in Gaza right now 55:10 history of false accuations against al shifa hospital 58:35 fake claims against UNRWA 01:01:00 ever heard of an Israeli hopsital or ambulance bombed 01:02:30 Right to resist with arms 01:04:22 Gaza 2008 01:07:37 Compassion fatigue 01:10:26 Our obligation is to rebuild Gaza 01:13:39 Protests need to translate into electoral losses 01:15:17 Not a difficult conflict a difficult occupation 01:17:00 What if the worst happens 01:20:30 The pier may be used for sinister reasons 01:23:00 We are all Gaza Subscribe to our channel: Subscribe to MEE Telegram channel to stay up to date: Middle East Eye Website: Follow us on TikTok: Follow us on Instagram: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter:


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