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Title:Pretty Little Liars - Emily & Spencer Talk In Alison's Bedroom - "The Mirror Has Three Faces" (4x10)

Emily and Spencer walk into Ali's bedroom. Emily points out how strange it is Ali's mom turned the room into a shrine and expresses her reluctance at staying there. Spencer says it's not that unusual and that it's a great opportunity to find useful clues. It turns out Emily will be staying there alone because Pam is out of town. Ali's mom comes in and gets teary when she goes through Ali's old closet. She says she's happy seeing the girls in Alison's room, as if they'd never left. Still living at a motel, Emily is taken aback when Mrs. DiLaurentis offers to let her move into Ali's old room and is even more distraught when the other Liars insist Emily take Ali's mom up on her offer. Hanna explodes when it appears her mother's recent good fortune has taken a turn for the worse. Ezra continues to reel from Maggie's big news when he's dealt an even more crushing blow regarding his son. Aria makes an effort to get involved in Jake's interests and finds herself with an opportunity to follow up on a lead. Meanwhile, "A" continues to toy with Toby's emotions regarding his mother's death, and Spencer is along for the ride. #PLL #PrettyLittleLiars


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