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Title:Pretty Little Liars - Hanna & Caleb Talk About Their Relationship/Kiss - "The Silence of..." (5x07)

Pretty Little Liars - "The Silence of E. Lamb" (5x07) Having grabbed some more coffee, Sydney says that if Hanna likes, they can take them to go, and she can drop Hanna off at home. At first Hanna agrees, but after spotting Caleb walk in, Hanna says that she might walk home, “the air. It’ll probably help”. Asking if she’s sure, Sydney picks up her books and tells Hanna that she’ll see her at school before walking out. After Caleb notices her, he walks over and when he asks whether she blew off her dinner, Hanna mentions that she got kicked out. Sitting down, Caleb says that he probably shouldn’t be giving advice about her friends, and she should handle Alison, but Hanna cuts him off, telling him she doesn’t want to talk about Alison, “I want to talk about us”. When Caleb asks what she means, Hanna explains that she may be having a hard time making decision lately, but so has he, “and when it comes to me, you’ve been on the fence ever since you got back”. Caleb says that they’ve talked about this, and with Hanna with Travis, but Hanna tells him, “there is no me and Travis. Not when you’re back here”. Hanna asks Caleb what he wants, and sighing, Caleb tells her he doesn’t know, and the time he spent away from Rosewood made him question a lot, he’s not the same person, and when he looks around the room, he doesn’t see the same stuff he used to. When Hanna asks if he still sees her (Miranda), Caleb tells her of course, and tells him they should start there, before leaning in to kiss him. Pulling back, they look at each other and as Hanna’s hand finds Caleb’s, they lean in for another longer, more meaningful kiss. Aria begins her volunteer work at Radley and quickly gets down to business finding any answers she can about a patient who is of interest to the Liars. But she quickly hits a snag when she comes across a patient that may be the key to what the Liars are looking for. Also searching for answers, Spencer takes a note from Ezra's playbook by borrowing some of his spy equipment to keep a closer eye on the home front. Meanwhile, Hanna is caught at odds when Alison and Caleb butt heads, and Emily seeks help from her friends when her mom invites Ali over for dinner. #PLL #PrettyLittleLiars


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