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Title:Pretty Little Liars - The Liars At The Brew/Opening Scene - "Cat's Cradle" (4x03)

The episode begins with Hanna, Aria, Spencer, and Emily at The Brew discussing Tippi and Hanna's mom. Hanna reminds the girls that Ashley didn't kill Wilden and they all agree. Emily tells the girls she has a doctor appointment scheduled for her shoulder tomorrow, then explains she was able to bring Ali's old notebooks and journals and things because she sneacked them out past Mrs. Dilaurentis' along with all of Tippi the bird's stuff. They look through Ali's belongings and then Spencer mentions Ella looks cozy with Zack across the way. Aria asks if it is weird to be jealous of your mother's love life. Spencer asks how things are going with Jake and Aria says she is seeing him tonight. Ella and Zack talk about Zack's upcoming trip to Vienna, Austria and he asks if Ella would like to come with him, but she says she can't because she has children and responsibilities in Rosewood. He asks her to take motherhood of the table for a moment, but Ella can't imagine picking up and moving to Vienna for a year. Spencer asks Emily to hide Ali's stuff so Mona doesn't find it and start asking questions. Mona wasn't at school that day, and no one knows where she has been, making them nervous. In the box of notebooks, Hanna finds a mask. Then, Melissa walks in The Brew. The girls are surprised that she is back because they thought she would be gone for good after they found Wilden. They wonder if what Mona said about her being the other Queen of Hearts is true or not. Spencer goes up to her sister and asks her about her trip to Washington. Melissa says she thinks she will probably be getting an internship in either San Francisco or London. Spencer says she found the perfect get-away, and Melissa responds by saying it might be good that they both get out of Rosewood if they know what's good for them.


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