Youtop Video Search

2 easy methods for making birdsmouth cuts
363046 | 04:29 | 2024-02-10

how to measure and cut rafters
1212789 | 08:27 | 2020-02-10

speed square 4 rafter cuts
1242422 | 00:21 | 2024-02-10

rafter made easy
27086 | 00:26 | 2024-02-10

how to make common rafters measure mark cut
1233969 | 16:53 | 2021-02-10

birdsmouth rafter cut carpentry
21104 | 00:09 | 2024-02-10

training the trades cutting common rafters
2696894 | 35:12 | 2018-02-10

the fastest birds mouth u subscribe
3612 | 00:55 | 2024-02-10