Youtop Video Search

what is aphasia
136597 | 01:27 | 2019-02-08

language pathways and aphasia animation
203639 | 03:32 | 2019-02-08

fluent aphasia wernickes aphasia
4239184 | 01:31 | 2016-02-08

what is brocas aphasia
74770 | 01:29 | 2019-02-08

what is wernickes aphasia
68943 | 01:36 | 2019-02-08

brocas aphasia non fluent aphasia
1810139 | 03:59 | 2018-02-08

aphasia a loss of words not thoughts
89937 | 09:44 | 2020-02-08

malapropism in wernicke s aphasia
69838 | 01:48 | 2018-02-08

aphasia etiquette ask wait listen
64663 | 02:12 | 2014-02-08

understanding aphasia in dementia
19438 | 07:11 | 2024-08-08

what you need to know about aphasia
6296 | 06:39 | 2023-02-08

what is aphasia
2287 | 04:36 | 2023-02-08