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Title:Pretty Little Liars - Emily Breaks Down To Pam About The Dollhouse - "Songs of Innocence" (6x02)

Emily and Pam arrive back home and Pam is livid, asking how Emily could go back there when she specifically told Emily not to. Emily says "You said that I couldn't use Dad's gun, so I rented one". Pam tells Emily that you never bring anger to a shooting range, and Emily unconvincingly tells her mom that she's not. Pam yells "I saw you, Emily!", causing Emily to become sad and ask how long they were really down there. Pam said it was longer than three weeks, and Emily asked if her mom saw Sara's eyes because she did. Emily says that Sara was down there for years, and it showed, then asks what would have happened if it had been her down there for that long. Pam tries to console Emily, saying that the one who did this to them is behind bars, but Emily replies that this doesn't mean there are no more bad people in the world. Pam simply tells her that a gun is not going to change anything. Emily tearfully tells her that she knows this, she just wanted to take some of her fear away and the two share a hug. The girls may have gotten out of the Dollhouse, but what happened to them during their time of captivity has lasting effects. With worried loved ones watching over them, the PLLs are home and trying to heal — without much success. Even with suspected tormentor Andrew in custody, Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer fear they are far from safe. Meanwhile, Alison must deal with her past indiscretions and her notoriety around Rosewood. #PLL #PrettyLittleLiars


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