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Title:Pretty Little Liars - Alison & Jessica Argue Flashback - "The Mirror Has Three Faces" (4x10)

Spencer tells Emily and Hanna that Ali's mom must have been at Radley at some point because he used her name specifically. She lies and says only Toby was there, following a lead from Nigel's phone. Emily points out that he has dementia, but Spencer is sure. She wants to ask Mrs. D about it, but Emily thinks she's too fragile at the moment because of the divorce. Emily leaves for work and Mrs. DiLaurentis asks the other girls if they'd like to stay for dinner. They decline, then Spencer asks Mrs. D about Dr. Palmer. She says that he wasn't her doctor; she only met him once, and the scene cuts to a flashback of Alison playing the piano in the living room. Ali's mom very angrily slams the cover on the piano keyboard down, nearly crushing Alison's fingers. Jessica asks Ali if she thought the stunt she and CeCe pulled was funny. Ali has no idea what she is talking about. Jessica explains she had gotten a call from the Radley staff saying that Alison may be a danger to herself and she wants to stay in Radley. Ali's mom had then panicked and rushed off to Radley, running red lights to get there quickly. The girl she found was dressed in Ali's clothing, but it was CeCe Drake. Ali laughs and says she can't believe "that crazy bitch actually did it." Ali's mom says that their friendship is toxic, to which Ali says so are a lot of things, and that Cece is no longer welcome in their house. Unruffled, Ali continues playing the piano. Ali's mom tells Spencer and Hanna that CeCe and Ali's relationship was obsessive; they liked to wear each other's clothes and each other's personalities. Still living at a motel, Emily is taken aback when Mrs. DiLaurentis offers to let her move into Ali's old room and is even more distraught when the other Liars insist Emily take Ali's mom up on her offer. Hanna explodes when it appears her mother's recent good fortune has taken a turn for the worse. Ezra continues to reel from Maggie's big news when he's dealt an even more crushing blow regarding his son. Aria makes an effort to get involved in Jake's interests and finds herself with an opportunity to follow up on a lead. Meanwhile, "A" continues to toy with Toby's emotions regarding his mother's death, and Spencer is along for the ride. #PLL #PrettyLittleLiars


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